Care Home CEO shares his experience with Alzheimer’s and dementia

We all need to learn from people suffering from Alzheimer’s and try to change our approach and respect and accept who they are today. “We all need to learn from people suffering from Alzheimer’s and try to change our approach and respect and accept who they are today. We need to embrace their journey. The challenge is trying not to …

Back to school – what you need to know

Are you feeling ‘school ready’? Here is a brief guide to help you prepare. As we bid farewell to August it may come as a relief to some parents, grandparents and carers, but for many children it can be a mixture of emotions. Fear of the unknown often occupies our minds, and for pupils entering a new school year, and …

Celebrating academic and personal achievements across our richly diverse schools

Pride in our schools and trusts It has been a total privilege to support the incredible schools and Trusts that we represent across the country in the media and across a multitude of communication platforms this summer. We are fortunate to have many wonderful years of experience working with mainstream, alternative provision and SEHM special schools – so we understand …

Parents Should Know THIS Ahead Of GCSE And A-Level Results Day 2023

When is GCSE And A-Level Results Day? A-Level Results Day in the UK is on Thursday 17th August 2023, whereas GCSE Results Day is on Thursday 24th August 2023. It is also important to note that BTEC and T-Level results are also released on Thursday 17th August 2023. How Important Are My Child’s GCSE And A-Level Results? The most important …